The active outdoors of Zeeland

The active outdoors of Zeeland

They’re calling you, the trinity of water, land and sea. They are a recipe for being active. Exploring the surroundings, meshing with nature, indulging in sports or just taking it easy, ‘t hemakje. Here’s a Top 10+1 of some super tips.

Biking in Zeeland

Should we add a bicycle to our coat of arms, maybe? You tell us. Zeeland is a bike province par excellence. You decide between biking in, or out of the wind. On the land side or the sea side of the dikes. You can work out your own routes, or follow ours and get to just about everywhere, in your own time.

Walking in Zeeland

Sturdy walking shoes, a rucksack of provisions, perhaps a walking cane or Nordic Walking sticks. Off you go, on foot. The network of walking trails brings you to paths and roads, through the woods and dunes, and along the beach. Discover Zeeland.

Mountain biking in Zeeland

Sport, speed and adventure combine on a mountain bike. You can hire a MTB in most places in Zeeland. There are even special MTB routes laid out for you, but you can take the normal bikeways too. You’ll have more fun, though, crossing through loose sand and thundering through the woods. Knowing you.

Bridle paths in Zeeland

Take your horse to enjoy the Zeeland landscape together. The bridle ways go through woods, down lanes, into the dunes and alongside the beaches. The two of you will thoroughly enjoy it. On many beaches, at indicated times, you can go out to gallop through the water and trot over the sands. What a sight!

Wet wellies tourism (Saeftinghe or Tholen)

Slippin’ and a’slidin’ is part of the way to appreciate the rugged parts of the mud flats and marshlands of Sint Annaland. Your guide will help you traverse the Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe. For the wet wellie outings (officially the Natte Laarzentochten) you’ll need to be in good shape. Between steady breaths, you’ll see the dynamics of nature on the cusp of land and water. Other guests are the flocks of birds who breed here, or stop over to stock up their food reserves.

Diving in Zeeland

The underwater world of Zeeland is certainly not to be missed. You can hire diving equipment, and get close to the fishes, sea mammals and their natural environment. Even if diving is new to you, there are places enough for you to discover more.

Looking for shark teeth in ‘t Zwin

If you have a penchant for centuries-old shark teeth, then the beaches of Zeeland-Flanders are the place to be. The best spots are next to Nieuwvliet radar tower and in the Zwin trench at Cadzand. Every time the sea has a serious churn, more teeth get washed up, a rather special, and free, souvenir.

Kayaks, canoes

The lakes of the Veerse Meer and the Grevelingen have numerous islands, so they’re great places for canoes and kayaks. If you want more fun and froth, cross the dike and paddle your way along part of the North Sea coast in a special sea-going kayak or canoe. If you don’t have your own, there are loads of places to hire them.

Staats Spaanse Linies

Combine physical activity with the mental when you explore the Staats Spaanse Linies in Zeeland-Flanders. These military defences were built in the Eighty Year War with Spain when several ‘States’ comprised the then Netherlands. They did their service until the French epoch of our history. You can cycle or walk along this chain of old forts, defence walls and dividing dikes. Some are intact, some you can visit inside.

Fly a kite

With 650 kilometres of coastline, you’ll always find a spot to fly a kite, How about on a windy day, you help the kids make their own kite and try it out on the beach? On some special beaches, you can always go kiting. On others, rules apply, so check them out on the noticeboards at the beach access points.

Seal spotting

When you look out over the Oosterschelde, you’ll often see seals lounging on the sandbanks at low tide. Go out on a seal safari boat, or use your binoculars when you’re walking along the coast. They’re at home here: their idea of being active outdoors is sunning themselves, swimming and fishing. Remind you of anyone?