Picturesque towns and villages
Goes Vismarkt

The most beautiful towns and villages in Zeeland

Villages with cosy-looking houses. Towns with rows and rows of noble listed buildings. Cobbled alleyways, paving slabs of Belgian hard stone, walls built with Belgian bricks. The ancient villages and towns of Zeeland are robust and picturesque at the same time.

Zeeland the versatile

Looking for more than just the beach and sea? Take a day out shopping or discover art and culture in one of our towns or villages. Zeeland has everything, ranging from big shopping chains to special boutiques. And the very best of harbours, not to forget the most delicious restaurants.

Or visit Middelburg. A historical town of more than 1,100 listed buildings. A town too where you can go shopping with pleasure, and then collapse on one of the fun terraces. Alternatively, visit Veere, the yesteryear town on the Veerse Lake. The streets are lined with the past. Or if you want to combine shopping with the beach, go to the best known artists’ village in Zeeland: Domburg.

Not your first visit to Zeeland? Then take a look at its undiscovered pearls.

The nicest villages and towns

in Walcheren

Conviviality on the water

Zeeland and water are inseparable. There are so many ways to enjoy being out on the water. Grab one of the very best spots next to the water at your favourite terrace. Always good for boat watching as they sail in and out.

Discover the towns and villages

With the finest harbours


When you walk or cycle through Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, you’ll come to places like the artistic village of Groede, or the mussel village Philippine. As well as fortress towns like Hulst and Sluis. You can walk over the Hulst town ramparts for 3.5 km. While Sluis boasts the only town hall in the Netherlands with its own belfry! Groede is also renowned for its porridge-based tarts. These delicacies were offered by landowners to their farmers, once they had paid their tithe. You may not know that Aardenburg is the oldest town in Zeeland. In the 12th century it was one of the first towns in the Netherlands to be granted a town charter.

Discover ‘la joie de vivre’

Zeeuws Vlaanderen

The hidden pearls of Zeeland

There are so many undiscovered places in Zeeland. Think of an artists’ village, or a particular landscape or a monument that takes you back in time. These are, for example, the Zeeuws-Vlaanderen Retranchement, Ijzendijke and Breskens. They are all worth a visit to open up these unknown pearls.

Out and about in Zeeland

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